Cogknit Semantics Pvt Ltd

Project Details

Cogknit is an AI and DL product lab building products and creating solutions in Speech, Language, Vision, Linguistic, and wearable technology. Powered by cutting-edge scientific research for more than ten years, we are proud to be India's first AI product lab, augmenting human potential.

Year of Foundation - 2010

List of use case/product/solution - Conversational AI, Multi- Language Machine Translation, Text Analytics, Anti-Spoof Face ID, Anomaly Detection in Human Action, Industry 4.0

Description of use case/product/solution - Conversational AI for the Creator's Economy. Machine Translation in Regional Indian and Global languages for deeper market access for enterprise. AI on the edge, computer Vision for safer shop-floor. AI for Homeland security, AI for Human learning and career pathing

Our customers – Myntra, Fever FM, LnT Engineering, Government of India, Principal Scientific Advisor of India

GPU infrastructure - DGX A100, Jetson AGX Xavier, Jetson Nano, Tesla V100, Jetson Xavier NX

Software stack - DeepStream SDK, Jarvis, Nemo , TensorRT

Category Inception Community,Nvidia-Inception
LOCATION Bangalore
INDUSTRY Architecture
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